Ronda Reid
Ronda Reid
University of Northern Iowa - Adjunct

Ronda Reid
University of Northern Iowa - Adjunct
RAPIL Instructor for EDTL 3060: Lesson Planning and Instructional Strategies
- MAE – Special Education, UNI
- BA – Education, UNI
Effective instructional practices and strategies, assessment, classroom management, diverse learners, and social emotional/mental health issues.
- Mental Health and Related Issues
- MTSS in Schools
I initially taught in the Garwin Community School district serving as a K-12 Special Education Teacher for all identified students in the building. The following year I developed and taught in special class program for elementary/middle school students due to the level of need in the building. I wrote a variety of grants so the district could receive funds to meet student needs.
Following that position and completion of my Masters I worked for the Iowa Department of Human Services for 6 years at the Mental Health Institute in Independence Iowa. During that time I taught Secondary Science to students who were hospitalized due to mental health/emotional and behavioral needs. I was the teaching principal of that building for the last 2 years completing administrative duties along with teaching.
After leaving the position at MHI, I worked as a teacher for AEA 267 ( now Central Rivers AEA) and was placed at Central Intermediate in Waterloo, Iowa. Initially I served as a special class teacher for students with significant behavioral concerns working collaboratively with administrator and teachers throughout the building. I also served as a certified trainer of the Boys Town Management System and provided training for both the AEA and Waterloo Community School District. My last two year working in the building as an instructor I worked as a co-teaching Resource Teacher. I worked with various grade level teams and shared responsibilities and teaching duties. During this time I also manged the In- School Suspension/Intervention Room for the building. In this role I supervised the staff that worked in that room and worked with all students on behavioral concerns.
After being encouraged by my AEA support staff, I applied and was hired as a Special Education Consultant which is the position I currently hold. During my tenure I have worked in several districts including Waterloo and Cedar Falls, Dike New Hartford, Applington-Parkersburg, Denver and Waverly. My assignments have included but public and non public programs. In addition I continue to work as a consultant for social/emotional/mental health needs, serve as a member of the AEA Crisis Response Team, provide training and support for transitional activities for Secondary students and have served of the leadership team for Specially Designed Instruction. Currently my assignment includes the Denver Community School, St Paul's Elementary in Waverly and the Lied Education Center in Waverly which serves Residential Students from the LSI Group Home setting and a special school for students with significant behavioral needs for the entire AEA.
Previously, I have served as an adjunct for Upper Iowa University on the Waterloo Campus in the field of education/special education. Currently in addition to serving as an instructor in the RAPIL program I adjunct for the Educational Psychology Departments in various courses including curriculum , human development and assessment.