Alternative Pathway for Quality Teacher Preparation
RAPIL brings the talents and expertise of engineers, chemists, mathematicians, musicians, business leaders, writers, artists, and other professionals to Iowa’s secondary classrooms. Real-world experience is married with a foundation in pedagogy to cultivate educators who bring new perspectives on instruction and a wealth of knowledge to Iowa students.

Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree and a minimum of three years post-baccalaureate work experience to apply.
RAPIL’s two-year, state-approved program helps candidates develop pedagogy through education coursework, field experiences, and a year-long internship.
Designed with the working professional in mind, RAPIL courses are offered in a synchronous, hybrid format - with classes meeting Tuesday evenings via Zoom, in addition to an in-person class one Saturday per month.

In the second year of the program, a RAPIL candidate has a contract with an Iowa school district and completes their first year of teaching with a Teacher Intern License.
Teacher Interns are supported by school-based mentorship, continued coursework through the RAPIL Intern Seminar, and supervision support from the RAPIL program.
Upon successful completion of the internship and program requirements, RAPIL interns are recommended for an Initial Iowa Teaching License.